Thursday 30 April 2015




Tumbuhan Sansiviera

        Sansevieria also includes ornamental plants loh! this plant can grow in whichever. Sansevieria is a plants which has a sharp shape. Sansevieria plants has benevit for nourish hair, hemorrhoids, diabetes to malignant cancer. The fiber can be utilized as a clothing material. Sansevieria has veature absorb toxic materials ,such as carbon dioxide , benzene , formaldehyde , and trichlorethylene .
Sansevieria is a plant who enough famous in the community.
Sansevieria divided by two :
1. Sansevieria kind that grows extends upward with size about 50-75cm
2. Leaved types of short circular in shape rosette with long about 8cm and width about 3-6cm
This plant thick leaved and has succulent water content , so tolerant to drought. but in damp or wet conditions sansivieria can flourish. multiple colour leaf sansivieria namely dark green , light green , green, gray , silver ,and white color combination of yellow or yellow green , and motive lines assortment. NASA research in cooperation with ALCA have found evidence that these plants are naturally able to reduce such pollution . By type Sansevieria divided into two:
1. Descendants of the original or species 
 2. The type or types of Sansevieria hybrid hybridization
physical character and different from Tansevieria resulting from hybrid form itself. This is called Sansevieria Hybrid.
   Thank you, correct me if i am wrong! 


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