Friday 8 May 2015



      Mint or that have a Latin name Mentha Piperita is one herb that has been known throughout the world.
Having been used in various products such as toothpaste, breath fresheners, candy, mouthwash, even the wind oil there.
But it turns out the mint leaves also have quite a lot of benefits for our bodies tablets, are some benefits of mint leaves : 

 1.Mint leaf effect on the digestive system of the body
Aroma of mint leaves can activate the salivary glands and digestive enzymes in our body itself. Mint leaves are also useful for treating indigestion and abdominal pain.
By drinking a cup of mint tea that can cure your stomachache.
 Aroma of mint is also beneficial to treat nausea and headaches or can also use menthol oil derived from the leaves of the mint.
   2.Stimulant of mint oil
Proved to be beneficial to treat depression, stress, and headaches. Or it could also shed little mint oil on your pillow case that can be inhaled and can also bathe with soap that smelled of mint.
   3.Weeks to lose weight
One of the benefits of mint dau it can stimulate fat digestion tablets. By way of chopping mint leaves and fruit plus one omelet or in tea that can be quite helpful.
   4. Mint aroma beneficial for the respiratory system
To the throat, bronchial, nasal decongestants, and lungs
as well as others such as asthma and cough.
   5. The benefits of mint leaves to mouth
Turns mint leaves have anti-bacterial benefits tablets. in order to fight the growth of bacteria in the mouth, teeth, and tongue.

   6. Mint leaves health benefits for skin
Treat acne, burns, and insect bites. if for a meal or drink is used for flavoring and decorative items



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